Danielle Conrad
for Legislature
A common-sense leader and experienced policymaker known for her ability to bring people together to deliver real results.
As our State Senator, Danielle:
Secured more funding for higher education and critical infrastructure improvements
Cut taxes, raised wages, and expanded access to housing and child care for middle-class families
Championed issues important to first responders and teachers
Improved access to health care for seniors, women, and children
Increased penalties for violent crimes in Nebraska
Join our Campaign!
Meet Danielle
Danielle Conrad is an independent voice and proven leader with a reputation for service and results. Danielle served eight years in the Legislature, from 2007 to 2015, before she stepped down due to term limits and became the leader of a statewide civil rights organization. Danielle and her husband Tom, a small business owner in North Lincoln, live in the East Campus neighborhood with their two children.
Why I’m Running
We need an independent leader who can bring people together. I’m running for the Legislature because our families and neighborhoods need independent leadership working for a better quality of life, stronger public schools, and good-paying jobs of tomorrow. We need consensus-building problem-solvers now more than ever to help build a better future for our state and our families.
The Lincoln Journal Star
Former Nebraska Governor and
U.S. Senator Ben Nelson
Congressman & State Senator Brad Ashford
Governor and Senator Bob Kerrey
Mayor & State Senator Don Wesely
Senator Amanda McGill
Senator DiAnna Schimek
Senator & School Board member Marian Price
School Board member Kathy Danek
Senator Steve Lathrop
Senator Patty Pansing Brooks
Senator John McCollister
Senator Megan Hunt
Senator Bob Krist
Senator Tanya Cook
Senator Gwen Howard
Senator Marian Price
Senator Sandy Scofield
Senator Anna Wishart
Senator Machaela Cavanaugh
Regent Elizabeth O’Connor
Regent Barb Weitz
Regent Chuck Hassebrook
Lt. Governor Maxine Moul
Lt. Governor Kim Robak
State School Board Member Patsy Koch Johns
State School Board Member Deborah Neary
State School Board Member Maureen Nickels
Councilwoman Sändra Washington
Lincoln Airport Authority Board Member Nicki Behmer
Lincoln Public School Board Member Kathy Danek
Lincoln Public School Board Member Katie McLeese Stephenson
Senator Kathy Campbell
Senator Brenda Council
Omaha Public School Board Member Marian Fey
Women Who Run Nebraska
The Sierra Club
Planned Parenthood Advocates of Nebraska
National Association of Social Workers
Moms Demand Action
Nebraska Cattlemen